Regenwasserzisternen für Bishyiga
Projekt erfolgreich abgeschlossen
After long delay of the Report of the Project of Maintaining Rain Water on the Buildings of Bishyiga Parish, now let us give you a summary of the report of the Project as it was elaborated as follows: APPLICATION FOR ASSISTANCE OF MAINTAINING RAIN WATER FROM THE BUILDINGS OF BISHYIGA PARISH 1. Narration of the Project Bishyiga Parish is situated in the region which has high slopes and heavy precipitations during rainy seasons. These heavy rains usually cause landslides and soil erosions which destroy crops and environment in general. Besides, the region faces tough sun during sunny seasons and it is very difficult to find water for gardening and animals. Maintaining important quantity of rainwater from the roofs of the buildings of the parish will help us to reduce soil erosion and use that water for gardening as well as feeding animals. This will reduce expenses of water which was being used in different activities . 2.Indication of beneficiaries About 6000 people will benefit from the project especially those who come for daily eucharistic celebrations and other activities which we usually have at the parish. 3.Criteria of selecting the location of the project The main critera is the topography of Bishyiga as explained above. This is also related to environment protection in general and protection of the buildings of the parish in particular. Finally the headquarter of the parish was chosen first because it is the most place which is exposed to the weather changes. 4.Activities to be carried out The activities to be done consist of buying tanks, gutters and accessories of plumbing, transportation, construction of seats of the tanks and installation. 5. Project management After execution of the project, measures will be taken for sustainability of the project.
Notice: According to the comparison of the two tables, you can notice a big difference due to the high expenses of the materials used. And again local contribution couldn’t cover the total amount we needed. The amount we received from the donors of the Cercle de Jumelage was three million, eight hundred eighty-three thousand, four hundred and twenty-four Rwandan francs (3 883 424 frw). This is to say that the local contribution was One million,three hundred eighty-five thousand, five hundred and seventy-six Rwandan Francs (1 385 576 Frw).
Ende Mai 2022 konnten wir 3.800 Euro nach Byshyiga überweisen!
Allen, die zum Erfolg des Projekts beigetragen haben, sagen wir ein herzliches Dankeschön.